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4784 这部小说讲述的是人与人之间的情感,给我留下深刻印象的是,傲慢与偏见成为了人与人之间交往的阻碍。 This novel, telling stories that happened between young men and women on their subtle feelings and emotions, impressed me most by a lesson drawn from it: pride and prejudice can be major obstacles that keep people from judging and treating each other fairly.
4785 其实国与国的交往也是一样。 This lesson may also apply to relations between nations.
4786 坦诚相交,与邻为善,能成就敦睦邦交的佳话。尔虞我诈、以邻为壑,会酿成对抗冲突的苦果。 Honesty and sincerity will win you good friends, yet cheating and blackmailing can only produce enemies.
4787 殷鉴不远,世人恒应戒之慎之。 This is a lesson human history has witnessed not long ago, which no one should forget or prove it again.
4788 2020年一开场就让全世界所有人感到揪心,一场突如其来的疫情席卷全球。 The beginning of the year 2020 shocked the whole world with an unanticipated outbreak of COVID-19, spreading all over the world almost overnight.
4789 自疫情爆发,我每天都在关注进展,担忧焦虑,常常夜不能寐。 Ever since the outbreak, I have been keeping a close eye on its development every day, worried and concerned about the situation in China and for the people who are infected. These days I often have difficulties falling asleep at night.
4790 最近疫情似乎发生了变化,抗击疫情正从一场中国的“人民战争”向“全球战争”转变。 Though a little bit relived about the situation in China, I do not feel cheered up at all because things seem to have undergone dramatic changes recently, the combating of COVID-19 has evolved from an “people’s war” in China to a “global war” in the world.
4791 令我感到鼓舞的是,中国各地包括疫情重灾区湖北在内的情况都在好转,曙光已出现在隧道尽头。 What is relieving and encouraging to me is that things are getting better day by day in all parts of China, including Hubei province, the most severely hit area of the pandemic, and we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
4792 3月12日,中国各地新增确诊案例首次降至个位数,除湖北外其他中国省市的本地新增确诊病例连续5日归零,仅剩一些境外输入性病例。 Up until midnight of 12th March, the newly confirmed cases in China have decreased, for the first time, to one-digit number. Every province in China, except Hubei, has witnessed for 5 consecutive days of zero newly local confirmed cases, with only a few imported ones from abroad.
4793 中国正在赢得抗疫斗争的关键胜利。 China is winning this war against COVID-19.